23 March 2006

Solving Corporate Email Overload - with blogs

To alleviate email overload in corporate and governmental settings, one can efficiently use subject-based Blogs, a Web 2.0 technology. Mass emails are then re-directed to these subject-based blogs.

Because these blogs are:
  • Searchable - both as part of Search Collections and as a web page with a search function;
  • Sorted - by definition, each blog will be created and used for one topic and purpose only, therefore the sorting and categorization will occur at the source instead of having thousand users trying to organize this massive traffic themselves in different ways;
  • Archived - in the sense that the availability of blog posts will go back farther than the email account creation date. This limitation does not allow users to efficiently go back in time and search. Blogs solve this problem;
  • Syndicated - RSS feeds will be associated with each blog, enabling mandatory (based on user category) and optional (based on user interest) subscription;
They represent a simple technology, often leveraging Free and Open Source Software, capable of dealing once and for all with a real tangible problem for most of not all users in large corporations and governments.