- Syndicate exercise. It included this problem: If the total cost to Canadian taxpayers of your organization is $75M annually and you estimate that two thirds of the sum can be assigned to information products and services delivered to external clients, what would be the organization information capital asset value after the initial five years, given the following assumptions: about one fifth (1/5) of the total information output, on average, constitutes material of precedential value from which you expect future economic benefits; the average retention period of this information is only five (5) years; and the information asset value is amortized in straight-line over its retention period.
- Strategic Information Management Frameworks - Part I - Vision, Principles & Directives. That period covered how organizations develop their Information Management (IM) Vision, how they can select and update their IM Principles and how they can select, develop and maintain their IM Directives.
- Strategic Information Management Frameworks - Part II - IM Architecture Components. In this period, we discussed the nine (9) necessary and sufficient components of the IM Architecture. An IM Architecture consists in all that you need in order to enable integrated information management. The following nine components were explained: Business Context, Information Requirements, Information Resources, Information Activities, Information Roles / Services / Products, IM Standards / Education / Training, Information Technology, Recorded Information and Architecture Optimization.
- Strategic Information Management Frameworks - Part III - IM Architecture Inputs. In order to develop sound Strategic IM Frameworks and, in particular, sound IM Architectures; participants were introduced to the following six (6) standard input categories: Compliance, Business Mandate, Empowerment, Interdependencies, Constraints and Opportunities.
13 December 2005
CSPS I310 Course - Integrated Information Management - Day 2
Today, I delivered at the Canada School of the Public Service (CSPS) Day two of the subject three day course. We had four periods: